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관련 규정

캘리포니아주 레드우드시티

When deciding whether to become an Airbnb host, it is important for you to understand the laws in your region or city. As a platform and online marketplace we do not provide legal advice, but we want to provide resources that may help you better understand applicable laws and regulations.

This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you a good start in understanding your local laws. If you have questions, visit the short-term rental homepage or other government agencies directly, or consult a local lawyer or tax professional.

This article provides information about local laws that apply to people who host their homes in Redwood City. It’s your responsibility to verify and comply with any obligations that apply to you as a host. This article can serve as a starting point or place you can come back to if you have questions but it isn’t exhaustive and it doesn’t constitute legal or tax advice. Check to make sure laws and procedures that apply to your situation are current.

Some of the laws that might affect you are complicated. Contact Redwood City’s Community Development Department directly or consult a local advisor, such as an attorney or tax professional, if you have questions.

City rules

The information in this article only applies to the City of Redwood City. If you live elsewhere, contact your local city administrator or planning department for more information.

Short-term rental regulations

  • Redwood City allows residents to share their primary residence, the place where they live most of the time.
  • A person can only have one primary residence at a time.
  • Residents may rent their home for periods of less than 30 days at a time up to a maximum of 120 nights per year while the resident is not at home.
  • To rent a home as short-term rental the resident must get a permit from the city and pay transient occupancy taxes (TOT). More information about TOT taxes below.
  • Information about short term rentals, the registration process can be found on the city’s short term rentals web site.
  • You may also read the City’s short-term rental ordinance here.

Long-term rental regulations

If you don’t have permission to offer short-term rentals, you can set your listing to only accept bookings for 30 nights or more. In this case, it’s important to make sure your booking calendars and advertisements for all online listings clearly indicate the 30 night minimum stay.

Stays of 30 consecutive nights or more by the same guests aren’t subject to short-term rental regulations, hotel taxes, or transient occupancy taxes (TOT), but the listing might also be subject to other rules like tenant protections and rent control provisions, for example.

Transient occupancy tax

Airbnb has an agreement with Redwood City to collect and pay the City’s transient occupancy tax on overnight stays on behalf of hosts. We list occupancy tax as a separate line item on invoices.

Other rules

Beyond city regulations, there may be other contracts or rules that you need to follow. You can usually find more information about community rules that apply to short-term rentals from your written lease, condo board, co-op, homeowner’s association (HOA), other tenant association guidelines, or landlord.

Our commitment to your community

We’re committed to working with local officials to clarify how local rules impact the short-term rental community. We will continue to advocate for changes that will enable people to rent out their homes.

Other resources to help you Host

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