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Lolandonis beach

현지인 9명이 추천하는 곳,

현지인이 제공하는 팁

October 2, 2017
Lolantonis took its name from the tavern situated on the hill overlooking the sea. Park the car and take the path leading down to one of the most beautiful and unspoiled beaches on the island. Be sure to bring your own umbrella and mats, as the beach is not organized and natural shade under the sea pines dominating the seascape is limited. However, when the sun heads towards the west in the afternoon, the cliffs on the left side of the shore cast plenty of shade. Lolantonis is one of the beaches that appeals to those seeking peace and to commune with nature, as it is considered the farthest from “civilization”. Lolantonis is a small sandy beach located near the village of Aspro Chorio
Lolantonis took its name from the tavern situated on the hill overlooking the sea. Park the car and take the path leading down to one of the most beautiful and unspoiled beaches on the island. Be sure to bring your own umbrella and mats, as the beach is not organized and natural shade under the sea…

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