Bacchus Wine Bar

현지인 10명이 추천하는 곳,
1954 Hyde St
San Francisco, CA
Russian Hill

현지인이 제공하는 팁

January 24, 2013
Tiny little wine bar that's a great spot to have a drink if you're waiting for a table at any of the restaurants on Hyde. Seriously, it's smaller than my living room.
June 22, 2015
Another great wine bar.
June 10, 2014
Going to Elephant Sushi and have to wait? Perfect bar to grab a glass a wine before you eat your fill of sushi!
October 11, 2015
Say hi to Beth for me
April 2, 2014
The tiniest wine bar in San Francisco! Stools for 6, plush chairs for 4, and standing room for about 6 more. Excellent wines, severs are very knowledgeable.

주변의 독특한 즐길 거리

엽서에서 그림으로 그려진 유명한 레이디의 집 가이드 투어
마스터 클래스: 감칠맛 최고의 전통 만두 만들기
씨앗에서 컵까지, 샌프란시스코 최고의 커피 로스터와 함께하는 여정

현지인 추천 장소