
Panayia Phaneromenis

현지인 11명이 추천하는 곳,
55 Mouson

현지인이 제공하는 팁

March 4, 2020
One of the oldest churches in Cyprus.
August 30, 2018
This is the largest Greek Orthodox church in the local area. Fabulous building with so many gold murals and statues. One marvels at the time it must have taken to create these items. The church is free to enter,however, they ask for a donation. In return you can also light a memory/prayer candle.
May 14, 2018
Located on Onasagorou Street, Faneromeni Church is one of the largest churches of the capital, and was built in 1872. The marble mausoleum to the east of the church contains the relics of the bishops and priests executed by the Ottomans on July 09, 1821. Opposite the church is Faneromeni School, one of the most historic academic institutions on the island.
October 24, 2016
Built in 1872 on the site of an ancient Orthodox nunnery, this is the largest church within the city walls and is a mixture of neoclassical, Byzantine and Latin styles. The Marble Mausoleum on the eastern side of the church was built in memory of four clerics executed by the Ottoman governor in 1821, during the newly declared Greek War of Independence.

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