
딜라드 하우스 레스토랑

현지인 73명이 추천하는 곳,

현지인이 제공하는 팁

January 2, 2022
Highly recommended for large families that stay in this area. Beautiful views and great family atmosphere. 14 mile drive.
December 31, 2020
Family-style all you can eat lunches and dinners. Bring your stretchy pants!
November 5, 2020
Served Family style, all you can eat southern comfort foods.
January 5, 2017
The Down Home Southern Cooking is amazing!! Check out the horses and petting zoo in the back!!
David And Ruthie
July 31, 2015
Classic southern family style dining. Petting zoo and horseback riding.

에어비앤비 체험으로 만나는 The Dillard House Restaurant

현지인이 진행하는 소규모 그룹 액티비티인 에어비앤비 체험을 통해 이 명소의 매력을 만나보세요.
대장장이와 함께 칼 만들기
폰타나 호수 크루즈 투어
라마와 함께하는 블루리지산 하이킹
768 Franklin St
Dillard, GA