South America의 독특한 즐길 거리
에어비앤비 체험

South America의 독특한 즐길 거리

현지인이 호스팅하는 특별한 액티비티를 에어비앤비에서 예약하세요.

최고 평점을 받은 체험

그린 커넥션: 자연과 교감을 나누는 시간
Queremos inspirar a todo aquel que quiera ser conocedor de nuestras experiencias haciendo parte de la belleza colombiana. Llegarás al lugar donde sucederán los hechos, conocerás el hermoso sendero de nuestros bosques de niebla, cascadas y ríos. La idea de esta experiencia es conectarse con la pacha mama (naturaleza), entrar en donde habitan pumas, tigrillos, zarigüeyas, orquídeas y aves especialmente el cacique candela y muchas especies más que habitan en esta reserva natural, a tan solo 40 minutos de la ciudad de Medellín. La hora y punto de partida es a las 9:00 AM en montañita hostel ubicado en la direccion calle 10#43c-13 iremos en vehículo particular hasta la arenales que es el punto de partida de la caminata ecológica, estaremos de regreso, aproximadamente a las 14:00 PM. Otros aspectos destacables incluye transporte snacks seguros recuerden llevar ropa comoda
현지 가이드와 함께 코무나 13의 진면모 만나기
¡Descubre el tour más completo de la Comuna 13, una experiencia inolvidable que te sumergirá en un mundo de historia, arte y autenticidad! Este emocionante recorrido se realiza a pie y te llevará a paradas estratégicamente seleccionadas para desvelar la riqueza de esta comunidad. Caminarás por nuestras calles impregnadas de color y pintura, escucharás historias narradas por la vida misma de quienes habitan aquí y serás testigo de las únicas escaleras eléctricas en toda Latinoamérica En un barrio. Pero eso no es todo. En este viaje, tendrás la oportunidad de saborear uno de nuestros productos más emblemáticos y disfrutar de panorámicas impresionantes de la ciudad de Medellín. Pero lo más especial es que tendrás acceso a lugares que, hace no mucho tiempo, eran inexplorables para muchos. En este tour, no solo explorarás la Comuna 13, sino que vivirás su transformación en tiempo real. Nuestro punto más destacado: somos guías locales de la Comuna 13, apasionados por mostrar al mundo que el cambio es posible. Hemos pasado de ser uno de los lugares más violentos de Medellín a convertirnos en el destino número 1 para los visitantes. Únete a nosotros y sé parte de esta asombrosa historia de resiliencia y esperanza. ¡Reserva tu aventura ahora y sé testigo de un verdadero milagro de transformación! Estamos legalmente constituidos con Registro Nacional de Turismo No.84040
자전거를 타고 2천 년 넘는 고목 '엘 툴레'까지 달리기
Oaxaca's FAVORITE ride. A must do while you're here! Join this beautiful and safe bike ride to see the massive and ancient "El Tule" tree, which is famous for being the WIDEST tree in the world. We'll also visit the town of "Santa Maria del Tule", its church and its market. This is a GUIDED ride and we'll provide you with a BIKE, HELMET, TOOL KIT. We'll meet in Oaxaca city to start our journey to El Tule tree (45 min. bicycle ride from downtown [10 km or 6 miles one way]). We'll ride on a nice bike lane covered with tree shades for the most part. It's mostly flat. We'll start biking out of the city first, then towards the outskirts with views of beautiful hills, and crop fields. Once we arrive to Santa Maria, we'll take you to the tree the colorful church and the beautiful lush gardens. Here you'll LEARN interesting facts and history about the tree. Then, we'll have time to visit the food market to grab a bite/drink and to walk around the square. Finally, we'll start our ride back to Oaxaca. REQUIREMENTS: - To know how to ride a bike (EASY-MODERATE ride, 20 KM total). - MINIMUM height is 1.53 m / 5' 0 ft. WHAT´S INCLUDED: Bike, helmet and on-the-go repair tool kit. *Bikes provided are ours (not rentals), well maintained to offer a great riding experience. Other things to note: Food/drinks are NOT included. ig ivan _ valero1 *Check out my profile for other routes.
현지인과 함께하는 리마 도보 투어(왕복 교통편 포함)
We are going to pick you up from your accommodation or meeting point and with our expert local guide, we'll take you to a fascinating walking tour around our historical center. We will visit the highlights of the Historic Center of Lima such as the San Martin Square, Plaza de Armas, Jiron de la Union (main pedestrian street), Government palace (panoramic view), Cathedral (panoramic view), Pasaje Santa Rosa, Convent of Santo Domingo (panoramic view), cherry of the cake is to visit inside the " Convent of San Francisco and its awesome catacombs"! Our historical center is considered a World Heritage Site protected by Unesco since 1991 because of all the colonial buildings the city has. Lima also stands as one of the oldest capital in South America as it was founded by the Spaniards in 1535 and became the "City of the kings", the most important city for the Spanish Viceroyalty in the whole continent! After this great day! we will leave you at your accommodation. Notes: Recommend to wear comfortable clothes and shoes, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat, take a bottle of water with you and a spare battery for your camera. This experience includes pick up and drop off from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro.
케이블카 탑승 + 메데인 벽화마을 투어(모든 경비 포함)
¿PRIMER VEZ EN MEDELLIN? Ven y descubre con la compañia de personas propias del lugar como LA COMUNA 13 uno de los lugares mas peligrosos del mundo años atras pudo renacer y reinventarse por medio del arte, el cual esta presente por muchas de sus calles y en sus habitantes. Realizaremos el recorrido en el metrocable para ofrecerte una perspeectiva de la comuna desde el aire, para despues dirigirnos hacia el barrio 20 Julio donde daremos inicio al muy famoso GRAFFITTI TOUR el cual se realiza sobre 3 de los barrios de la comuna. Dentro de la experiencia tendras la oportunidad de apreciar el proyecto escaleras electricas UNICO EN LATINOAMERICA el cual tiene un gran componenete social para la comunidad. Todo esto lo realizaremos en radio de 2.5 Kilometros, es un recorrido facil y divertido. En medio de nuestra experincia tendras la opcion de probar un snack y bebida, productos locales de la comuna.

현지인에게 인기 있는 체험

Specialty Colombian Coffee - Coffee Tasting
Descubre la cima de la excelencia en la degustación del café de especialidad colombiano. Aprende a distinguir y catar una suavidad única, de la más alta calidad a nivel mundial. Nuestra experiencia te lleva en un viaje sensorial incomparable, donde cada sorbo es una obra maestra que despierta tus sentidos. Conocerás el fascinante mundo de los cafés especiales de Colombia, a través de una experiencia sensorial única. Descubrirás de primera mano porque somos el mejor café suave del ¡mundo! Conocerás desde su plantación hasta su transformación. Te guiaremos a través de una experiencia de catación, estimulando tus sentidos con una variedad de texturas y aromas, para que puedas apreciar y distinguir los perfiles únicos de nuestros cafés especiales, elaborados con sofisticados métodos de extracción. Desarrollarás tus habilidades sensoriales, aprendiendo a discernir los diversos matices de cuerpo y sabor que ofrece el café. Descubrirás tus preferencias personales y aprenderás a identificarlas con confianza. Anímate y únete al majestuoso mundo del café colombiano de especialidad.
상파울루의 숲속에서 그리는 수채화
Você começará a experiência permeando um pedacinho da Serra da Cantareira e conhecendo o Atelier Alma do Artista, um lugar muito agradável em contato com a mata atlântica e se você tiver sorte poderá até desfrutar do encontro com macacos e tucanos. Entre riscos e rabiscos inspirados pela natureza do local você fará uma vivência de pintar uma Aquarela orientada por mim. Uma viagem pelo universo de cores e texturas conversando com a fluidez da água nesta técnica de pintura maravilhosa. Como resultado terá uma Obra de Arte singular como lembrança deste momento onírico que vai levar com você, para guardar sob a magia dos pigmentos. A experiência acontecerá na maior floresta urbana do mundo. Aproveite!
Passeios a cavalos uma nova experiência
Criamos cavalos a mais de 15 anos, utilizamos o método Horsemanship (Equitação natural), onde o cavaleiro e o animal desenvolve um relacionamento de confiança. O primeiro passo é apresentar os animais ao hospede, fazer com que conheça e seja conhecido, proporcionando uma interação. Após a aprendizagem fazemos um passeio de aproximadamente 1:30 hora em estradas e trilhas. Os hóspedes tem uma experiência de aproximação com os cavalos, entendendo que apesar do seu tamanho os equinos são sociáveis, sensíveis e dóceis. Venha ter uma experiência rural com animais, bem próximo de uma das maiores metrópole do mundo. Outras observações Cavalos tranquilos, trajeto de nível fácil. Os hóspedes que forem fazer o passeio devem trajar calça comprida e calçados fechado. POLÍTICA DE GESTÃO DA SEGURANÇA (SGS) ÓREAS TOUR Para alcançar a excelência em todos os seus serviços e operações, a Óreas Tour definiu um conjunto de princípios para orientar suas ações: 1. Aplicar as normas do turismo de aventura e legislação correlata para garantir a segurança, qualidade e legalidade das atividades oferecidas; 2. Identificar, avaliar e tratar todos os riscos envolvidos nas atividades oferecidas; 3. Trabalhar constantemente pela satisfação dos nossos clientes e da nossa equipe; 4. Buscar a melhoria contínua do SGS e processos internos relacionados.
Graffiti Tour Comuna Trece
Primero nos encontraremos en el barrio de las independencias en el sector 20 de julio, este es el barrio que cuenta con la mayor cantidad de arte callejero (Graffitis) en todo Medellin, en ese sector te empezaremos a explicar la historia a través de los diversos murales y obras de arte callejero. Luego nos dirigiremos a tomar las Escaleras Eléctricas que hay dentro de este Barrio la cual nos llevara a las partes alta de la montaña, mientras vamos subiendo las escaleras les mostraré las diversas galerías y lugares alrededor de ellas, y probaremos algo de gastronomía del sector. En la parte alta del sector te enseñare uno de los mejores miradores que hay en este lugar donde podrás observar gran parte de la ciudad de Medellin. Al Finalizar nos devolveremos y los invitare a unos de los mejores Helados que hay en toda la comuna 13 y los acompañare de nuevo al punto donde empezamos el recorrido. Otros aspectos destacables 1) El Recorrido dura 2horas y 30min. 2) Puedes tomar fotos a las diversas obras de arte. 3) La Comuna es un lugar seguro. 4) Diviértete.
핸드 빌딩 기법을 활용한 도자기 만들기
Você poderá criar sua própria peça cerâmica (por exemplo uma caneca, copo ou cumbuca) usando técnicas de modelagem manual. Começaremos com um pouco de teoria onde explicarei os diferentes tipos de argila, modelagem, decoração e queima mais usados na cerâmica. Em seguida você vai poder sujar as mãos e, com minha orientação e ajuda, fazer uma peça própria. Nota que se quiser ter sua peça finalizada o processo todo de secagem, esmaltação e queima costuma levar em torno de 2 meses. Depois de pronta entrarei em contato e você poderá retirar sua peça ou podemos enviar pra você a custo adicional. Se você quiser reservar para 4 ou mais pessoas e precisar de data ou horário alternativo me manda uma mensagem que vemos as possibilidades!

독특한 개성으로 높은 평점을 받은 체험

오악사카 전통 요리를 배워보는 쿠킹 클래스
Bienvenidos! El primer paso será mostrarte los ingredientes que puedes encontrar en los hogares oaxaqueños, una de las ventajas de nuestra experiencia es que contamos con un jardín con hierbas y chiles orgánicos. Elaboramos quesillo y queso fresco todos los días. Mi hijo Baldo compartirá su conocimiento acerca del mezcal, una cata en la cual podrás tomar degustar tanto como gustes, además de agua fresca, refrescos y jugos. Botanas? Claro que si, pero lo tienes que hacer al estilo oaxaqueño, lo que significa gusanos, chicatanas y chapulines. ¿Has escuchado algo sobre el metate y como se hacen las tortillas a mano? además de tortillas elaboraremos tetelas, memelas y tlayudas. Haremos diferentes salsas utilizando ingredientes de la temporada todo cocinado sobre comal, leña y brasas al carbón. El mole es un emblema de la cocina oaxaqueña y cocinaremos uno de los 7 moles utilizando el metate. No te puedes ir sin probar el mole negro, chocolate de agua, café de olla, nieves y un rico pastel. Todos participaran en los procesos, cortando, moliendo, elaborando salsas y por supuesto comiendo, recuerda cuando visitas una casa en Oaxaca tienes que venir con el estomago vacío. Las clases están disponibles en Inglés y español. Ofrecemos clases para veganos y vegetarianos siempre y cuando me lo hagan saber con anticipación. Me llena de emoción enseñarte todo sobre la cocina oaxaqueña.
탱고와 칵테일
Buenos Aires Sounds is a soulful, intimate concert series featuring the finest Argentine music curated by Latin Grammy nominee María Volonté and Kevin Carrel Footer. Our purpose is to bring people together across cultures through music. To that end, we perform the music in a relaxed setting where you can fully appreciate it and get to know the artists face-to-face. We organize world-class concerts in our living room. This city is pulsing with creative energy. It is home to a thriving music scene where tango, jazz, candombe, classical, Argentine folk and electronic music all swirl. Meet and hang out with the musicians. We’ll also provide tasty elixirs (such as Cynar & Fernet) to accompany the music. Feel the camaraderie that comes from sharing live music together!
Crea tu propio anillo de esmeralda colombiana
Colombia is known as the coffee country, well, we got much more history linked to the “green gold”. Emeralds are part of the selected group of precious stones and the 60% of them in the world are originally from Colombia. Become part of the Emerald legend, by creating a ring with your own hands. This tour starts by having an introduction about the importance of emeralds for precolonial and colonial culture. We will go through the emerald and jewelry district to learn about the history of the precious metals and stones and its influence in Colombian culture. We will take a look at the emerald market to see the different minerals and qualities. Then we will work on your new ring, where you will decide all! the design, the stone and material, by the personal advisory of a orfebre (jewelry master) who teaches you how to do every single step.
리마 빈민가 투어 - 생생한 현지인의 삶 체험
This is a UNIQUE anthropologist experience, you will have the opportunity to be part of the daily activities of locals that live in the real Lima, it is a rich cultural experience you will always remember! You will get the opportunity to see how a large majority of Lima's population truly lives in happines ambience and community system. At Haku Tours, we want you to see 'the real' Lima. While you slowly make your way to the base of the hill, our guide will explain a little about the community and its developments, the urbanization projects, politics, religion, and how Haku helps in the area. Gradually, you will begin your journey up the famous "yellow stairs", pause for a few pictures of the amazing views in greater Lima, get a glimpse into homes, and interact with neighbors and families we meet during this local life experience. During the tour, we will also visit a local daycare center and the friendly families from this nice community. Remember this tour is about to know people, who will share with you their culture, traditions, beliefs, and thoughts. Notes: If we can visit the Shanty Town communities is because we have asked permission from the local leaders. This experience includes pick up and drop off from Miraflores, Barranco and San Isidro.
현지 초콜릿 공장에서 초콜릿 맛보고 직접 만들기
Podrás recibir un taller de chocolatería con degustación completa de todos los subproductos del cacao. Desde el inicio conocerás brevemente la historia del cacao en América, probando fruta fresca de cacao, luego semillas deshidratadas y tostadas, nibs, polvo de cacao. Luego pondremos manos a la obra con la chocolatería más moderna, conocerás cómo preparar cacao puro, para seguidamente lograr distintas concentraciones de cacao en la pasta de chocolate oscuro (70%, 85% y 100%). Con estos realizarás diversos chocolates con todos los ingredientes locales que tenemos disponibles y ¡uses tu creatividad! Finalmente te daremos los materiales (ecoamigables) para que empaques tus propias creaciones y tengas un recuerdo perfecto de tu viaje a Costa Rica.

South America 주변에서 진행되는 모든 체험

엘윤케 우림 탐방(교통편 제공) & 현지 음식
Live a true El Yunque rainforest experience with a local. Excellent for foodies and adventure fans. We visit 2 waterfalls and the famous waterslide. TRANSPORTATION INCLUDED. Adventure to pure rainforest and learn the history of its unique flora & fauna like iguanas, guava trees, bamboos and 300 year old trees. We drive to the East side of El Yunque Rainforest. On arrival we do a 30 minute hike to the first waterfall & watering hole. There you can enjoy the landscape, swim in the water, and scenic waterfall. Further up, after a 15 minute hike (High difficulty level), there is another waterfall with a natural waterslide. We end the trip by stopping for lunch at a local family owned restaurant that serves authentic grandma style food (Food not included in price). The hike for these outdoor wonders requires regular shoes with “good grip” that can get wet and muddy. The trail is very muddy and clothes will get fully wet. NO FLIPS FLOPS OR CROCS ALLOWED. Safety is my priority and we will have a fun adventure to show you the authentic essence of Puerto Rico & secret gems of the rainforest. Good Physical Condition required. Hike can be challenging for participants that are not active or exercise regularly. Bring water, towels/change of clothes for a full day of fun and beautiful new experiences. Tour start times can change depending on the season.
리우데자네이루 주요 관광 명소 투어(7시간)
In this experience, we will pick you up at your place* and take you to visit the most important spots in the city. We will start visiting Christ the Redeemer Statue first thing, so we can avoid lines and get the best shots for your photos**; next, the neighborhood of Santa Teresa, an artistic zone with it's exclusive tram and then the Selarón Staircase, one of the most famous touristic spots of Rio. From there we'll go to the Metropolitan Cathedral, a unique bulding in the Center of Rio. Afterwards, we visit the Tijuca Forest, with waterfalls and wild animals and the neighborhood of São Conrado, where we can see the hang gliders landing on the beach. We stop for lunch*** right after that and by the end you have two options: we can either take you back home or to the Sugar Loaf, where you can take a cable car to the top of this magnific hill. During the whole time, we'll be telling you all about the places we'll be visiting and will anwser all your question. *Pick up at some areas of the south zone of Rio. If you are in another region, like Barra da Tijuca, we will set a meeting point ***Lunch is not price included. *** Sugar Loaf ticket is not price included
아름다운 우만타이 호수 투어
Muy temprano por la mañana nuestro transporte realizará el recojo para empezar este maravilloso Tour en dirección rumbo a los pueblos de Mollepata y Soraypampa. Viajará por 2 horas hasta el poblado de Mollepata, lugar donde tendrá el delicioso desayuno por unos 40 minutos aproximadamente. Luego del desayuno continuará su camino hasta Soraypampa por aproximadamente 1 hora, allí descenderá del vehículo y nuestro guía dará todas las indicaciones necesarias para la caminata, tendrá 10 minutos para prepararse e iniciar la caminata. La caminata a la Laguna Humantay durará 1 hora y media aproximadamente observando el bello paisaje hasta llegar a la bellísima laguna turquesa. Tendrá tiempo suficiente para disfrutar de la magia del lugar, descansar y llevar una ofrenda a los Apus. Finalizando la visita volverá hasta nuestro vehículo el cual lo llevará hasta Mollepata donde tendrá un delicioso almuerzo buffet. Luego del almuerzo viajará por aproximadamente 2 horas hasta Cusco donde nuestro transporte lo llevará hasta el centro de la ciudad. Otros aspectos destacables Tener 2 dias de permanencia previa en Cusco para aclimatarse y hacer el tour sin problema.
Hierve el agua, Mitla, Mezcal tasting and Textil experience
Se recogerá al grupo entre 7:30 a 8:20 de la mañana en sus hospedajes en el centro histórico. Comenzaremos visitando el poblado de Santa Maria el Tule en donde podrás contemplar el milenario árbol del Tule, después nos adentraremos a una comunidad zapoteca en donde se conservan diferentes tradiciones como las bodas, sus formas comunitarias de organización, su lengua y el manejo de textiles de lana siendo este ultimo uno de los mas finos y laboriosos procesos artesanales de Mexico, dando como resultado piezas de arte textil superiores a marcas de lujo, para esto conoceremos un Taller familiar en la comunidad de Teotitlán del Valle. Posterior a esto nos trasladaremos a una fabrica de mezcal en donde tendremos una explicación sobre el proceso de elaboración de mezcal en la fabrica para después tener una degustación de los mismos. También visitaras la zona arqueológica en Mitla pueblo mágico. después de conocer la impresionante zona arqueológica y antes de encaminarnos a Hierve el Agua tendremos un "time food" en un buffet de comida tradicional. finalmente nos adentraremos a las comunidades de la montaña para conocer las cascadas petrificadas de hierve el agua. Al terminar el recorrido regresaremos a la ciudad de Oaxaca y terminaremos el recorrido a una cuadra del Zócalo de la ciudad.
라레오나 폭포 하이킹
*** FREE roundtrip transportation provided from Curubande downtown to the Waterfall *** Let us know if you need transportation and we can quote you the service with a local driver from town. Our day starts by meeting at our office located 20 min away from Liberia downtown through the small villages of Colorado and Curubande. We count with two parking lots at our location in Curubande where you can leave your car safe while we do the hike. From Curubande we will take a 4WD for 1 km that will take us to the entrance of the waterfall trail and here is where the hike begins. The waterfall is well hidden away on the outskirts of Rincon de la Vieja Volcano . The trail is 1.3 Miles (2 Kilometers) singletrack so together it is 4 km. There are some climbing to do in elevation and some caves to go across. Later to reach the waterfall we have to swim 25 meters through a beautiful turquoise river canyon. This is a local experience that takes place where the Blanco and the Colorado rivers cross through, forming canyons and beautiful scenery which is why the water in their pools have that special turquoise tint.
현지인처럼 즐기는 거리 별미
*This experience is not for vegans, its not gluten free or lactose free. For vegetarians is fine under order ( so let us know your dietary restrictions) FOR CHEESE LOVERS * We need at least 3 people to guide the experience, if you are solo traveller try to book days where we already have reservations Becasuse the heat, this experience is not recommended for chilcren under 5 years old If you are visiting Cartagena de Indias and want to discover the most incredible flavors, then you need to eat like a local so you will understand what are the unmissable recipes between cartageneros. We will start this experience by learning bout the Chinese influence in our culture. Our first stop has been the oldest restaurant in the city with more than 90 years old and the only one that has had 3 generations in charge. We will try the most incredible combination of Chinese and local flavors. We will also try the local soda which is one of the oldest soda in the world and we will be allowed to learn about the different preparations with this soda. Afterwards we will visit the most popular bakery in the old city with more than 30 years old. We will try a Colombian bread and we will discover how we match the salted with the sweet in a pastry. Then, we will try the best way to eat plantain . We will also try different fruits
그린 커넥션: 자연과 교감을 나누는 시간
Queremos inspirar a todo aquel que quiera ser conocedor de nuestras experiencias haciendo parte de la belleza colombiana. Llegarás al lugar donde sucederán los hechos, conocerás el hermoso sendero de nuestros bosques de niebla, cascadas y ríos. La idea de esta experiencia es conectarse con la pacha mama (naturaleza), entrar en donde habitan pumas, tigrillos, zarigüeyas, orquídeas y aves especialmente el cacique candela y muchas especies más que habitan en esta reserva natural, a tan solo 40 minutos de la ciudad de Medellín. La hora y punto de partida es a las 9:00 AM en montañita hostel ubicado en la direccion calle 10#43c-13 iremos en vehículo particular hasta la arenales que es el punto de partida de la caminata ecológica, estaremos de regreso, aproximadamente a las 14:00 PM. Otros aspectos destacables incluye transporte snacks seguros recuerden llevar ropa comoda
콜롬비아 사람처럼 요리하기
At the beginning of the class, we start by describing all the ingredients we will be using while sharing the history of the dish, why it is so popular, and how it is typically presented in our region, Cartagena. As part of our experience, we will teach you how to prepare an appetizer and a main course from start to finish, using your own hands. You will peel, cut, and season all the ingredients in accordance with the Cartagena tradition. Each person will have the opportunity to boil, fry, or grill their food, providing you with a unique culinary experience as you taste dishes that you may not have had the chance to prepare before. The class will be conducted in both English and Spanish, accompanied by background music that harmonizes and integrates what you are learning with the cultural and historical context of the dish. At the end of our class, you will enjoy a full meal that will not only be delicious but will also become an unforgettable memory of your trip to Colombia. Once the experience with the chef is complete, you can choose your preferred beverage in one of our climate-controlled areas, where you will enjoy your delicious meals.
Two Brothers the most beautiful hike in Rio
Hike Two Brothers - Brings you to arguably the best view in Rio! An experience for the more adventurous, going up the Favela via **MOTO TAXI** and then hiking up the trail, passing through a territory unknown (Favela Vidigal). The view at the top stretches 365 degrees around the city. You'll see the Christ statue, Lagoa, Sugar Loaf, Ilhas Cagarras, Niterói and the Bay of Rio which are all visible at the peak. There isn't another place in the city of Rio besides Pedra da Gávea that has this unique view! ****(We also offer the best rated and most impactful FAVELA TOUR here in Rio de Janeiro). Dont just book any tour. **** Come with Experience Rio, why? 1. We employ guides from Vidigal. 2. It's always better to have a local guide when entering a Favela. 3. With experience Rio, you will be led by professional guides with knowledge about the history of Vidigal/Rocinha + Rio. 4. Our guides are here to specifically make sure your time is amazing, we will show you all the best places for photos and of course take a few for the gram! 4. (5%) of profits goes to cleaning the trail + reforestation. 5. 15% goes back to the Favela through our Favela tour (so please check it out!) The hike is medium level with moderate rock inclines. 55 minutes of hiking up which equates to roughly 350M in elevation climb. Not recommend for those with knee or health issues!!
Aventura en Buggy desde Punta cana Playa macao y cueva
Acompáñame a una emocionante y divertida aventura en “buggy car”, la misma recorrerá paisajes y plantaciones de café, cacao y tabaco. Nota: hay posibilidades de que el vehículo se apague por el agua y el fango pero nuestro mecánicos estarán ahí para ayudarles. Los buggy son dobles para 2 personas y familiar para 4 ( Las reserva son de 2 personas en adelante ) El recorrido empieza desde el momento que estés en nuestro transporte , dura en total de aproximadamente de 4 horas desde el momento de la recogida. Visitaremos una casa típica dominicana donde conocerá los diferentes procesos y productos de los cultivos recorridos y podrá deleitarse de un mundo nuevo de sabores y olores de nuestra patria. Continuaremos el recorrido en “buggy car” hacia Playa Macao. Permítase nadar en sus refrescantes aguas. Luego conduciremos hasta llegar a una cueva subterránea de aguas cristalinas, donde podrá disfrutar de un exótico y refrescante baño. Será un día al aire libre lleno de diversión para aquellos que buscan gozar de la belleza natural de la República Dominicana. Incluye: • Transporte ida y vuelta al hotel • Alquiler de los “buggy car” • Guías profesionales • Casco de Seguridad Recomendaciones: Cámara fotográfica Bloqueador solar Ropa deportiva y tenis Traje de baño Gorra, gafas y pañuelo Atención al cliente 24\7
포블라도에서 현지인과 함께하는 길거리 음식, 바, 루프톱 투어
*This tour is just for adults (from 18 years) and we only host it in English. During the walk in El Poblado, you will taste 5 delicious types of Colombian street food, learn about their preparation, and ingredients. You will learn about Colombian gastronomy and culture. **Please don’t get dinner before the tour so you can eat all the included snacks. El Poblado is the area with the largest gastronomic and entertainment offer in the city, which you should definitely explore, to know the best places to have fun and it feels safe to walk around. Our tour guides will recommend great nightclubs, restaurants, and different activities to do in Medellin, so you can enjoy more your vacations here. In addition to food stops, you will also visit 2 bars, one of them is located on a rooftop with a breathtaking view of the mountains, where you could get delicious cocktails and hang out with other travelers. Join the tour and you will: 1. Try new food 2. Visit an amazing rooftop 3. Get recommendations for bars and restaurants 4. Make friends with common interests ***If you see that no one has booked, don't worry, we usually have more reservations on other platforms :) **If there are no more places, please send us a message ;) **We don't have gluten-free food options **We don't have food options for vegans **This tour is not recommended for people with reduced mobility.
바칼라르 요트 투어
Te esperaremos en el Muelle de Amura Restaurante 15 minutos antes de la hora de tour. El capitán se presentará con el grupo y dará la información e instrucciones necesarias para disfrutar al máximo la experiencia. Abordaremos uno de nuestros 3 veleros Oliverio, Ixchel ó Turix. ¡Comienza la aventura! Iniciaremos nuestro recorrido navegando la hermosa laguna de 7 colores, continuaremos en dirección al Canal de los Piratas. Aquí será nuestra primer parada y tendrán tiempo suficiente para descender y nadar en el área permitida. ¡Hora de un delicioso snack de frutas! Nos encanta consentirlos. Es por eso que el capitán los esperará en la embarcación con una bandeja llena de las mejores frutas de estación. Navegaremos por el Cenote Negro, donde podran ver el contraste de pasar de pocos metros a casi 100m de profundidad en un solo paso. Continuamos viaje para llegar a la Isla de los pájaros, donde nadar en agua cálida y cristalina, te harán amar Bacalar por siempre. Duración: 3 horas *Recorrido sujeto a modificaciones por cuestiones de viento y meteorológicas.
현지 가이드와 함께 코무나 13의 진면모 만나기
¡Descubre el tour más completo de la Comuna 13, una experiencia inolvidable que te sumergirá en un mundo de historia, arte y autenticidad! Este emocionante recorrido se realiza a pie y te llevará a paradas estratégicamente seleccionadas para desvelar la riqueza de esta comunidad. Caminarás por nuestras calles impregnadas de color y pintura, escucharás historias narradas por la vida misma de quienes habitan aquí y serás testigo de las únicas escaleras eléctricas en toda Latinoamérica En un barrio. Pero eso no es todo. En este viaje, tendrás la oportunidad de saborear uno de nuestros productos más emblemáticos y disfrutar de panorámicas impresionantes de la ciudad de Medellín. Pero lo más especial es que tendrás acceso a lugares que, hace no mucho tiempo, eran inexplorables para muchos. En este tour, no solo explorarás la Comuna 13, sino que vivirás su transformación en tiempo real. Nuestro punto más destacado: somos guías locales de la Comuna 13, apasionados por mostrar al mundo que el cambio es posible. Hemos pasado de ser uno de los lugares más violentos de Medellín a convertirnos en el destino número 1 para los visitantes. Únete a nosotros y sé parte de esta asombrosa historia de resiliencia y esperanza. ¡Reserva tu aventura ahora y sé testigo de un verdadero milagro de transformación! Estamos legalmente constituidos con Registro Nacional de Turismo No.84040
푸에르토리코 산후안 해변에서 석양에 즐기는 살사
Salsa by the Sea: Experience the Magic of Sunset Dancing in Puerto Rico. Looking for a unique and unforgettable way to experience the beauty of PR? Look no further than our salsa class on the beach, held at sunset for the ultimate romantic and immersive experience. As the sun sets over the sparkling blue waters of PR, our experienced instructors will guide you through the steps of salsa dancing, one of the most popular and sensual dance styles in the world. You'll learn how to move your body to the rhythm of the music, how to lead or follow your partner, and how to express yourself through the language of dance. This class is open for any level; however, it is tailored toward beginners and is designed to be both fun and challenging. Whether you're looking to impress your partner, improve your dancing skills, or simply enjoy a memorable experience on the beach, our salsa class is the perfect activity for you. But what makes our class truly unique is the setting. Our beach is located on the breathtaking coast of Puerto Rico, offering stunning views of the sunset and the shimmering waters of the Caribbean Sea. You'll be surrounded by the natural beauty of the island, with the gentle ocean breeze and the sound of the waves providing the perfect backdrop for your dancing.
해변에서 즐기는 요가, 명상, 사운드 배스
Start your day on La Isla Del Encanto with us! In this amazing beach yoga & meditation, you will experience a unique connection with nature while immersing yourself in the tranquil surroundings of the beach. The class incorporates the use of sound bowl healing, which enhances the meditative experience by creating soothing vibrations and harmonious sounds. During the yoga session, you will be guided through a series of invigorating and graceful poses that are specifically designed to promote strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. The combination of the rhythmic ocean waves, warm sand beneath your feet, and the gentle sea breeze will create a serene atmosphere, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the practice. Whether a beginner or an experienced yogi, this beach yoga class and meditation will provide a rejuvenating experience that nourishes body, mind, and spirit. Meet other travelers or locals, take an ocean dip and grab brunch. Join us and leave feeling refreshed and revitalized. Private Parties: We are happy to set up this experience for you anywhere on the island, just book a private session. *Please note if there is no spot available for a given day send a message. Follow us on IG at Crystalvidayoga. See our other experiences- Full and New Moon Cacao Ceremonies, Breath and Sound